Many Quincy residents struggling with credit card debt are desperate for solutions. Anything that can help reduce their monthly payments, or even let them make fewer payments, may be considered if it promises some measure of debt relief.These borrowers are likely the...
Month: April 2018
Selecting a business form is an important step
Selecting the best business form for a business venture is an important decision for any entrepreneur facing it. The selection of a business form has many important implications for the business, as well as the future of the business as it grows and enjoys success....
Check out the HOA before buying your dream home
You found the perfect Massachusetts home for you and your family, and all of you are dreaming about what life will be like once you move in. The price is right, the financing is available. What more do you need before you sign the final papers? You need to check out...
Criminal charges filed in Quincy pedestrian accident case
When a negligent driver injures another Quincy resident, there are two different ways in which that driver may be held accountable for his or her actions. Criminal charges play an important role, but they do not solve all the problems related to an accident.Just about...
Two main types of trusts: living and testamentary
A recent post here on our Quincy legal issues blog reviewed an unfortunate case in which family members became divided over their parents' estate after they had passed. One component of the parents' estate planning involved the use of a trust to protect their assets...