A Full-Service Law Firm
Located in Quincy, Massachusetts, Levin and Levin, LLP was established in 1933 as a full-service law firm committed to providing clients throughout the South Shore with the highest level of legal representation available.

Alleged drunk driver runs pickup into store, injuring worker

by | Jun 21, 2018 | Uncategorized

One of the most dangerous kinds of motor vehicle accidents in Quincy and across Massachusetts is the type where a vehicle crashes into a building or a business. When people are out on the road in any capacity, whether it is driving, riding a bicycle, or as a pedestrian, they will have it in the back of their mind that a crash is possible and that they should be alert. Those who are inside a structure, though, likely don’t think that a vehicle will come crashing into the building. When a vehicle does collide with a building, those who are inside can suffer serious and even fatal injuries. Even if the injuries do not appear serious at the outset, there can still be long-term damage.

A man working for a rental car company is in this position after he was injured when a vehicle crashed into the business. The accident happened in the late afternoon at approximately 4:15 p.m. The driver, 53, was reportedly driving as fast as 60-mph and was also believed to be under the influence. His pickup truck was on the road when he lost control and hit the building. One employee dove out of the way to avoid getting hit. The victim suffered injuries that were not said to be serious – cuts and bruises – but he was taken to the hospital. A witness said he was bent over holding his hand while he moaned in pain. The driver was arrested on multiple charges.

With any car accident, the circumstances must be considered when thinking about a legal filing. For example, a driver’s intoxication can be strong proof of negligence, meaning that a personal injury claim is likely to succeed. Also important to consider are the injuries suffered by the victim. Although people often believe that they were not severely injured in a wreck, issues can crop up as time passes, resulting in them finding that the accident did more damage to them than they initially realized. Even if the injuries suffered are not life-threatening, they can still have a detrimental effect on a person’s life with medical expenses, lost income, and the inability to do certain things. A lawsuit, when successful, can provide compensation for missed time on the job, medical costs, and other damages.

With this accident and others like it, those who were hurt must make certain they are protected, even if they do not believe the injuries are serious. Contacting a lawyer who is experienced in car accidents can allow an accident victim to obtain advice on the next steps that further their best interests.

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