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Located in Quincy, Massachusetts, Levin and Levin, LLP was established in 1933 as a full-service law firm committed to providing clients throughout the South Shore with the highest level of legal representation available.

Does your business require debt relief?

by | Nov 9, 2018 | Debt Relief

Running a business is not easy, as many business owners already know. Whether the business is large or small, there are challenges that every business owner will face while trying to navigate their industry to be a profitable and successful business. A business can face specific cash flow challenges as a new business while they are getting off the ground. However, established businesses can suffer hardship as well.

Financial strain can cause a business to rack up debts that are detrimental to the business. Debt is part of any healthy business, but too much can make it hard to make ends meet or to end up in the black in terms of revenue at the end of the year. How do you understand or know what healthy debt is and if it’s detrimental or not to your business? If you are paying high interest rates on debt or if your payments are becoming hard to make, these are signs of too high debt to income ratio of a business.

These issues can be alleviated by seeking a bankruptcy solution. Just like individuals, businesses can file for bankruptcy. A debt consolidation or asset reallocation plan, under Chapter 13 bankruptcy, could be an option for more the betterment of financial health of your business. Any number of factors could impact a business’ debt.

Some find that unpaid invoices from customers or business-to-business who fail to pay can be to blame. Rising costs in costs of goods sold can have an impact. For brick and mortar stores, online impacts are felt throughout traditional retail locations. Whatever the issue, there can be ways to get to a better place financially and get debt relief for your business.

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