A Full-Service Law Firm
Located in Quincy, Massachusetts, Levin and Levin, LLP was established in 1933 as a full-service law firm committed to providing clients throughout the South Shore with the highest level of legal representation available.

Intermediaries and your business merger

There are stages in the growth and change of a business. From the time a business starts out compared to several years of growth and change, the business can look very different. It may come time for the business to merge with another in its industry or in a similar industry. The process for that business merger may include an intermediary.

Understanding the company merging with your business in totality is key. For example, understanding if the company is in good standing, it’s profit margins, the employees and so many other aspects of a business can have a huge impact on the success (or lack thereof) of a merger with your existing business. All of these factors (and more) can have a huge impact on whether two businesses are compatible for the process of a merger. Introducing an intermediary into the process can ease the transition.

The role of an intermediary is to act as a go-between during the process as a merger. An intermediary can serve one or both businesses and can help to facilitate the process. Often, intermediaries will know what questions to seek answers to that are specific to the merger process for those specific companies. Since each company will have different nuances coming into this process, this is very important to tailoring the merger to specific needs.

The process of business formation can mean taking an existing business and merging it with another to create one new business. A business acquisition also fits the description of a business merger. The specific of this process, is one larger business acquires a smaller one. It’s still a merger, nonetheless.

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