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Reasons people may divorce in their older years

On Behalf of | Mar 10, 2020 | Divorce

Divorce was not always as socially acceptable as it is these days. Many older couples would never have considered divorce in their younger years, but now that it is not as taboo, the rate of older people divorcing is going up. According to Forbes, the overall divorce rate is down, but so-called gray divorce is increasing. 

Gray divorce is the name given to couples who divorce when they are over the age of 50. Divorce in the later years of life is often a result of the social stigma against divorce no longer being a factor and because people are living longer, which means that marriages last longer. It is human nature to change and want change in your life, so it is not a big surprise that some people go through gray divorce because they have simply grown apart. However, there are a few other reasons why gray divorce may be so prevalent. 


Some couples may have been struggling with infidelity for years, but a person may feel like he or she could not leave the marriage for one reason or another. With age, though, the person may finally decide that enough is enough and end the marriage after years of dealing with a cheating spouse. 


Just as with the divorce of younger couples, finances often play a role in gray divorce. Whether the couple is struggling with debt or simply cannot agree on money matters, financial turmoil is often enough to call it quits. Older couples may also deal with an imbalance when it comes to money. One spouse controlling all the finances may be something a person decides he or she can no longer live with. 

Empty nest 

Many older couples were simply waiting until their children were all grown to divorce. In some cases, once the kids are gone, a couple may find that they no longer have anything in common, or that they are no longer compatible when they do not have their children to focus on. 

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