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Located in Quincy, Massachusetts, Levin and Levin, LLP was established in 1933 as a full-service law firm committed to providing clients throughout the South Shore with the highest level of legal representation available.

Your vehicle’s style could impact your safety in a crash

On Behalf of | Mar 12, 2021 | Injuries

If you have ever been involved in a traffic accident, you know how scary they are and how they impact your life immediately. Whether you are driving a car, truck or other automobile, a crash could lead to injuries or deaths.

There are some vehicles that are safer than others, though. For instance, did you know that SUVs are safer than cars when involved in a head-on crash? Trucks are heavier and larger than cars, so they’re more likely to withstand a high-speed collision and protect the people inside.

Knowing this, it’s a good idea to think about what kind of vehicle you’ll drive and how that vehicle could impact your safety.

SUVs versus sedans: Which is safer to drive?

Sedans, which are larger, four-door cars, are heavier than coupes or smaller, economy vehicles. That being said, an SUV is still the safer choice. SUVs are heavier, which means that they’re less likely to suffer damage in a collision. If a vehicle is able to withstand harder hits and absorb the force of the impact, then the people inside are less likely to have injuries.

If you drive a car, are there ways you can stay safe?

Cars aren’t the least safe vehicles, but they aren’t as heavy or strong as some other kinds. If you are driving a car, there are some tips that can help you prevent serious injuries. For example, staying under the speed limit will help minimize the force in a collision. Checking intersections before entering them will help you avoid getting side-swiped or T-boned.

Finally, no matter what you drive, remember to wear your seatbelt. This belt helps distribute the force of a crash across the strongest parts of your body, protecting your internal organs.

If you’re struck by a drunk, distracted or dangerous driver, there’s help available

If you are hit by someone who was driving dangerously, while under the influence or while distracted, there are options available for you that could help you seek compensation for what you’ve been through. Drivers who aren’t safe behind the wheel should be held accountable, which is something your attorney can help you with.

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