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Massachusetts semi-truck crash statistics drivers need to know

On Behalf of | Jul 6, 2024 | Injuries

Many people view most statistics as confusing or meaningless. After all, researchers can sometimes allow their personal biases to affect how they gather and analyze data. However, some statistical information is helpful for those concerned about personal risk.

For example, understanding how frequently certain types of collisions occur can help people more effectively prioritize their safety in traffic. Massachusetts sees plenty of car crashes every year, and some of them are objectively more dangerous and severe than others.

Collisions that occur between commercial and passenger vehicles are among the worst wrecks reported each year. A cursory review of crash statistics might help drivers understand how much of a concern semi-truck crashes actually are.

What does collision data show?

Semi-truck crashes occur regularly. Only a tiny fraction of those crashes are fatal, but they are still reason for people to worry about their safety. According to data from 2023, there were 183,087 semi-trucks and similar commercial vehicles involved in crashes across the United States in 2023. There were 5,078 fatalities reported nationwide, as well as 86,854 noted injuries resulting from those collisions.

According to the data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), 2,057 of those crashes occurred in Massachusetts. There were 30 deaths reported because of those collisions. November 15th was the deadliest day of the year for semi-truck crashes in Massachusetts in 2023, as there were three separate fatal collisions that day.

While Massachusetts is a relatively small state, multiple people die every month because of semi-truck collisions. Motorists who recognize what contributes to their risk of a crash can potentially develop better safety habits. Those involved in crashes with semi-trucks often require assistance.

Not only do they need medical support to address their injuries, but they may also need help securing compensation. Large commercial insurance claims and lawsuits often follow the wrecks caused by semi-trucks. The people who incur injuries or lose loved ones may need compensation for their losses.

Being particularly cautious around semi-trucks is a good practice to establish given how severe the collisions they cause often are. Drivers aware of different risk factors can more effectively protect themselves from the possibility of a preventable crash.

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